A formerly cross-continental & cross-apartmental, now cross-town discussion on film featuring Owen and Matt

Monday, August 23, 2010

End of the Days of Devin

Though this blog has never been in the tertiary-source business of discussing film criticism and critics themselves (for fear of creating a Moebius strip of critical self-referentiality so profound and powerful as to risk tearing a hole in space-time itself), I believe it's worth making an exception in this case.

Devin Faraci, editor and chief contributor to CHUD, is leaving that site. It sounds like it's completely amicable—simply a matter of pursuing other opportunities elsewhere—but I have to admit that it's a bit shocking and disheartening. When Nick Nunziata founded CHUD about ten years ago, Devin was but a lowly poster on its message board; from there, he began contributing reviews and articles, then became a site editor, eventually writing a substantial portion of CHUD's content (for a while he wrote virtually every film review and at least half of the news stories), conducting film-set visits and interviews, and becoming CHUD's public face in such venues as G4's Attack of the Show. To a great extent, he has become the voice of CHUD—a site he's helped to make one of the best, if not the best, in online film news and analysis—as well as one of the most intelligent and reliable film critics writing today. His strong opinions and take-in-or-leave-it attitude have rustled a few feathers—you can thank him for reigniting the Great Online Video-Games-as-Art Wars recently—but he always backed them up with thoughtfulness and an understanding of and appreciation for film history and theory. As you can tell from how often I mention it on this blog, CHUD is my primary source for film news and analysis, and Devin's contributions there have been a huge part of making that so. (The fact that we're currently making our way through the Planet of the Apes series is thanks to him.) During the past few years that I've been regularly visiting CHUD, Devin's reviews and articles have done a lot to increase my appreciation for and critical thinking about film, and I would unhesitatingly recommend them to anyone else interested in enlarging his cinematic world.

I wish him all the best and plan to continue following his work. And despite losing him, CHUD still has too many immensely talented contributors to cease being an enlightening and entertaining source for all things filmic.

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