A formerly cross-continental & cross-apartmental, now cross-town discussion on film featuring Owen and Matt

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm seeing a trend here...

So what's up with this recent trend of "head or torso shot of the actor staring at you" posters? Or, if you're into the whole brevity thing, "mugshot posters." It's made walking through the halls at movie theaters a somewhat eerie, disconcerting experience.

And as an added bonus, here's the political equivalent:


  1. Maybe this (below) will be the new trend:


    Then, walking through the theater halls might actually be more eerie/disconcerting...

  2. Actually, I think that would be a fun game. "Who do you think that is? I got $20 on John Cusack. I guess we'll just have to see it and find out!"

  3. Me circa 1988, that's my guess.

  4. Well, it beats the 1980s thing where most posters had a gun pointing at you, usually with a glint off either the fore-sight or the riflings inside the barrel.
