A formerly cross-continental & cross-apartmental, now cross-town discussion on film featuring Owen and Matt

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Abiding Heart

There's been some "Oscar buzz" (as we in the industry call it) about Jeff Bridges's performance in Crazy Heart. It's a good film, and he's certainly good in it, but if he wins it would be one of those instances of a performance award being de facto a lifetime-achievement award. I, for one, would never begrudge him that, though.

And someone (Tom, maybe) said that Crazy Heart pretty much looked like a country-music version of The Wrestler. Having now seen it, that's actually not that far off: a performer past his prime trying to get his life—both professional and personal—back together, an estranged child, a possibly redemptive love interest. That said, The Wrestler is the better film.

It's pretty apparent, though, that first-time writer and director Scott Cooper is a big fan of at least one other installment in Bridges's filmography. Let's look at the evidence:

- Our protagonist sits at the bar in a bowling alley, with the lanes visible behind him over his shoulders.

- He fishes his sunglasses out of a less-than-sanitary receptacle.

- He collapses in an intoxicated stupor, with the camera right under his face looking up, in a room darker than a steer's tuckus on a moonless night.

- He meets an Hispanic guy named Jesús.

On one level, they were a bit too clever in an eye-winking kind of way, taking me out of the drama and pathos the film was trying to convey. On another level, however, it was fun spotting them.

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