A formerly cross-continental & cross-apartmental, now cross-town discussion on film featuring Owen and Matt

Monday, August 10, 2009

None sure about 1 through 8, but 9 was good

ARCHIVES OF THE FANTASTIC: THE NINTH COSMIC CONVERGENCE. So I'm, oh, three weeks or so late on posting this. But what can I say...it's almost like I'm preparing to move!

I don't think it's quite fair to give this movie the same sort of analysis as the other movies we generally talk about here as it is an amateur production. I just thought I would just fill you in about it. The movie is a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi/superhero movie about three heroes, three villains, and the all-knowing Archivist who is one of many that monitor the actions of the various planets across the universe. When the missions of all three villains and heroes converge with the threat of causing serious harm, the Archivist steps in and helps the earthlings come together to save the day and bond.

The filmmakers definitely took advantage of the amateur nature of the project to include some humor and at times winked at the low production values. One of my favorite parts was a chase scene where you could see people gawking and wondering what the heck was going on. This added to the generally fun atmosphere of the whole thing. I noticed the kid in front of me in line when I was getting my beer was an extra in the movie. There was a lot of clapping whenever a new character appeared on screen and one time a little kid even got excited at seeing someone she knew. They definitely knew the crowd for which they made the movie and it seemed to be something they all enjoyed. I personally also had a good time trying to figure out where in town some of the scenes were filmed.

Your cousin, Benja Barker, was quite entertaining as the supervillain Dr. Megahertz because more than any of the other actors, he went all the way with the camp involved in the movie. Did he overact? Yes, of course he did. But that's what it called for.

To be fair and not try to sound overly nice, I should say that as amateur filmmakers, they do have a bit of learning to do. Nearly all of the outdoor scenes were pretty washed out, for instance. But they did a great job of making entertainment for their friends and it looked like they had a fun time doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, I'm glad to hear you got out there to see it. Some other family of mine went, and said it was a pretty big hit (for a 50-minute amateur movie showing at a neighborhood theater in the middle of the afternoon, that is). Apparently they have DVD's too, so I'm trying to get my hands on one of those. Congrats, cousin!
