A formerly cross-continental & cross-apartmental, now cross-town discussion on film featuring Owen and Matt

Monday, March 16, 2009

First they came for the indies, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't indie...

I have to say, I'm a little shocked at the depth of your anti-indie hostility. I mean, I'm glad you got all that off your chest, but this blog doesn't need you polluting it with your prejudice and hate-speech. This needs to be a welcoming place, even for those of the indie persuasion.

In all seriousness (or semi-seriousness), I get where you're coming from. I remember that Portland scene, it can be demanding. It's hard for those of us of a certain age—mid-twenties—to keep up with the kids these days with their Twitters and their Jonas Brothers and their cameras in their phones. I tell ya, it all makes my head spin. But you just need to play that U2, and play it proud! I haven't heard much of their newer stuff, but The Joshua Tree is like a spiritual experience. And if you're ever in a tight spot, just casually mention that DC band I played for you New Year's Eve, U.S. Royalty, then the tables will be turned. "What, you haven't heard of U.S. Royalty? Pff, where've you been?"

And the kids in Nick and Norah are supposed to be high-schoolers? It looked ridiculous enough when I thought they were college-age; now it looks so implausible they must be breaking the laws of physics. Total alien space bats. (Or maybe our reaction just says more about the state of our own social lives in high school than it does about the movie. Sigh.)

I'll get back to talking about serious filmic analysis soon, I promise.

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